

The dictionary describes flabbergasted as follows:  to overcome with surprise and bewilderment; astound.

And now for the rest of the story:

Didn’t our president send out the MGEU group of professional picketers to walk the line with CUPW when they were having their hiccup with Canada Post?  Isn’t it the Trudeau government that legislated CUPW back to work?  So why are you having your picture taken with our Prime Minister, other than for just one more photo-op to stick in your scrapbook?  Which party do you want to be with?


Our president states she is the president of the largest Union in the province of Manitoba, yet she is constantly having her picture taken with the political parties that are anything but labour friendly.  Again, it comes down to our dues paying for you to flit around having your picture taken for nothing more than the opportunity to say you have met these individuals.  Is this really the message you want to send to the labour movement in Manitoba.  How much respect do you feel you gain by these sorts of actions?  None as far as we can tell.


Our membership is in dire straits with the intermingling votes, Civil Service bargaining, layoffs, and department closures, yet you find the time to gallivant around doing whatever it is you do, and little or no attention being focused on our issues.  Better yet what are you doing about the potential loss of wages for our Civil Service members?  We had heard nothing from you except your initial announcement on March 22, 2019, that the Manitoba Government needs to insure they have money in their bank accounts to pay government employees and keep programs running, after March 29, 2019.  However, Friday you  sent out a message saying you “give full credit to the government for making this the first priority when the legislature resumes on Monday.” Your statements are underwhelming, especially when you say you want some assurances that this won’t happen again.  Well, we want some assurance you will cut back the spending on rationalization votes we can never win. What we do know for sure is that the MGEU membership will continue to pay their dues to the MGEU, thus insuring you continue to make your six-figure salary without threat, and we are also pretty sure you will not curtail your spending habits.